mlm ni...skrg ni..saat ni..
hatiku sakit sgt....
ok abaikn perasaan tu...
tp ni gmba tangisan tu...
smua tye psl HELENA ni
im not les ok..
just "org" tu je yg taw...
sapa 'org" tu??
sapa2 je r kn...hurmmm
life is full of fake ppl...
tp..afta my lovely bestie..
die larh tmpt mngadu
chat ngn lyla..
jd lega sgt..
tq sygs..
mmg kao terbaek dr sgalanya!!!
then die bg video ni...
tenang je..
da ade da lagu ni..
tp xde klip video
Everytime you feel like
you cannot go on
You feel so lost
That your so alone
All you is see is night
And darkness all around
You feel so helpless
You can’t see which way to go
Don’t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side
Insha Allah
Insya Allah you’ll find your way
Everytime you can make one more mistake
You feel you can’t repent
And that its way too late
Your’re so confused,
wrong decisions you have made
Haunt your mind
and your heart is full of shame
Don’t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side
Insha Allah
Insya Allah you’ll find your way
Insha Allah
Insya Allah you’ll find your way
Turn to Allah
He’s never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray
OOO Ya Allah
Guide my steps don’t let me go astra
You’re the only one that showed me
the way,
Showed me the way
Insha Allah
Insya Allah we’ll find the way
he loves me not!!
im ok..i will not cry
gud thngs comes to those who waits
ok...trima ksh kpd
bintang haty sy
c znol gedik..tq
im looking for somebody
n she was there...=)
thanx super gurl
n kpd 'org' tu...
trima ksh juga...
u left me once
u'll just leave me again ok
when ur heart speaks
take gud notes
1 momel momel:
but good things are plural. therefore, good things come not comes.
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